EAP Treatment for FREE
If your employer offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), this benefit offers assessment, referral, and in some cases, short-term counseling. An EAP referral is often limited to the assessment and/or short-term sessions is generally provided per issue or per individual. The best place to obtain clear information about what is available is contacting your EAP Company. Services provided using your EAP benefit are provided at no cost to you. At the conclusion of EAP treatment it is your responsibility to pay for counseling services not covered by your medical benefit plan.
Partial list of EAP plans accepted by therapist.
ACI Specialy Benefits |
Confirm that we still accept your EAP.
Health Advocate |
The right to confidentiality in counseling is the same for EAP services. Under many circumstances, unless you authorize disclosure interactions between you and the therapist are kept confidential. The information disclosed to the EAP Company is usually limited to that needed for coordination of EAP services, quality assurance, or payment. Check with your employer’s privacy policy to see if the privacy official or anyone else will have access to your EAP information. Under no circumstances does the therapist have contact with the client’s employer, supervisor, or human resources representative seeking information about a referred client.