Effective Immediately

§Ms. Scarlett-Lloyd is NOT currently accepting new marriage or couple’s counseling or family therapy clients.

§Read about why the therapists at Intentional alternatives do NOT provide services to adults with Medicaid. From the proverbial horses mouth.

§If you have Medicare or a Medicare supplement plan you will be expected to pay $60. per session. We simply DO NOT mess with this stuff because the therapist is just not going to be paid for her services.

§Services we DO NOT offer: Mental Health treatment to preschool (0-5 years) children, Mental Health Disability Assessment or Evaluation, Psychological Evaluations/Testing, or Psychiatric Medication Management.

§Our clinicians DO NOT to provide written opinions for fitness for duty or disability on new patients. We will not contact employers or agencies on your behalf about work-related matters, such as requests for time off for psychological reasons. ALL of these requests will be refused without explanation or argument.

§Clinicians DO NOT provide documentation or reports to courts, attorneys, or a probation officers on behalf of any EAP client when a client is court ordered for an assessment or for treatment. When the clinician become aware that this is the nature of the service request or reason for seeking treatment (before or during counseling process), the client will be reminded of this limitation.

Intentional Alternatives ~ 11650 New Halls Ferry Road ~ Florissant MO 63033 ~ Phone: (314) 656-6293

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